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Hair and Grease Liquid Drain Cleaner, Liter
Hair and Grease Liquid Drain Cleaner, Liter
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Hair and Grease Liquid Drain Cleaner, Liter


  • Quickly opens drains and removes unwanted clogs
  • It is the solution for the most common drain stoppages
  • Dissolves hair clogs from bathroom drains and creates heat to melt grease from kitchen sinks
  • This is the strongest nonacid formulation on the market
  • 20 times stronger than common drain openers
  • Allow drain opener to stay in the drain overnight
  • The longer it remains in the drain, the more drain clogging material it will dissolve
NOTE: In-Store Pickup Only. Contains Hazardous Material. Package transportation prohibited by DOT regulation.

Stocking Data is current as of 3/24/2025 7:00:02 PM CT

Cox Part Number (SKU):
Instant Power
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