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Super S FG-2000 Heavy Duty Synthetic Blend 15W-40 CK-4, Ga
Super S FG-2000 Heavy Duty Synthetic Blend 15W-40 CK-4, Ga
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Super S FG-2000 Heavy Duty Synthetic Blend 15W-40 CK-4, Ga


  • Super S FG-2000 Synthetic Blend 15W40 Motor Oil provides outstanding engine protection and is recommended for all types of service in truck and automotive diesel and gasoline engines, including those with diesel particulate filters and engines operating under severe service and/or wide variations of climate conditions
  • Guaranteed to meet or exceed the American Petroleum Institute (API) CK-4, CJ-4, CI-4 Plus, CI-4, CH-4 classification as well as the performance requirements of Mack EOS-4.5, Volvo VDS-4.5, ACEA E9-12, Cummins CES 20086, Renault VI RLD-4, Caterpillar (ECF-3), and Ford WSS-M2C171-F1 (Always consult your owner's manual)
  • MFG. # SUS 95

Stocking Data is current as of 3/24/2025 7:00:02 PM CT

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Super S
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