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Oatey Medium Blue Lava PVC Cement, 8 Oz
Oatey Medium Blue Lava PVC Cement, 8 Oz
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Oatey Medium Blue Lava PVC Cement, 8 Oz


  • Medium bodied blue cement for use on all schedules and classes of PVC pipe and fittings up to 6 in Dia with interference fit
  • Low VOC solvent cement meets California south coast air quality management district (SCAQMD) 1168/316A or BAAQMD Method 40 and various environmental requirements
  • Very fast setting hot cement formulated for wet conditions and quick pressurization and fast installation
  • Recommended for potable water, sewer and DWV applications
  • Recommended application temperature of 40 to 110 deg F
  •  No primer needed on non-pressure DWV, where local codes permit
  • Meets ASTM D2564

Stocking Data is current as of 3/24/2025 7:00:02 PM CT

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