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Conversion Tables: English
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This information is provided for your convenience. We feel it's reliable, but errors can occur. We make no claims as to the accuracy of this information and do not warrant it for any use or purpose whatsoever. Always verify specification data in order to ensure its accuracy.

Units of Time
To Convert Multiply by To Obtain
seconds 0.01667 minutes
seconds 0.0002778 hours
seconds 0.00001157 days
minutes 60 seconds
minutes 0.01667 hours
minutes 0.000694 days
hours 3,600 seconds
hours 60 minutes
To Convert Multiply by To Obtain
hours 0.0417 days
hours 0.00137 months
hours 0.0001142 years
days 86,400 seconds
days 1,440 minutes
days 24 hours
days 0.0329 months
days 0.00274 years
months 2,628,000 seconds
To Convert Multiply by To Obtain
months 43,800 minutes
months 730 hours
months 30.42 days
months 0.0833 years
years 31,536,000 seconds
years 525,600 minutes
years 8,760 hours
years 365 days
years 12 months
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Units of Work, Energy and Heat
To Convert Multiply by To Obtain
Btu 9,340 in.-lb
Btu 778.3 ft.-lb
Btu 0.000293 kwhr
Btu 0.000393 hp-hr
in.-lb 0.000107 Btu
in.-lb 0.0833 ft.-lb
To Convert Multiply by To Obtain
in.-lb 3.138E-08 kwhr
in.-lb 4.21E-08 hp-hr
ft.-lb 0.001285 Btu
ft.-lb 12 in.-lb
ft.-lb 3.766E-07 kwhr
ft.-lb 0.000000505 hp-hr
kwhr 3,413 Btu
To Convert Multiply by To Obtain
kwhr 31,872,000 in.-lb
kwhr 2,656,000 ft.-lb
kwhr 1.341 hp-hr
hp-hr 2,545 Btu
hp-hr 23,760,000 in.-lb
hp-hr 1,980,000 ft.-lb
hp-hr 0.7455 kwhr
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Units of Pressure
To Convert Multiply by To Obtain
in. water 0.0833 ft. water
in. water 0.0736 in. mercury
in. water 82.98 oz/sq.ft.
in. water 0.03602 psi
in. water 5.1869 psf
ft. water 12 in. water
ft. water 0.8832 in. mercury
ft. water 995.8 oz/sq.ft.
ft. water 0.4322 psi
ft. water 62.24 psf
ft. (any liquid) 0.4322 x sp gr psi
in. mercury 13.57 in. water
To Convert Multiply by To Obtain
in. mercury 1.131 ft. water
in. mercury 1128 oz/sq.ft.
in. mercury 0.4894 psi
in. mercury 70.47 psf
in. mercury 0.03342 atm
atm 29.92 in. mercury
oz/sq.ft. 0.01205 in. water
oz/sq.ft. 0.001004 ft. water
oz/sq.ft. 0.000887 in. mercury
oz/sq.ft. 0.000434 psi
oz/sq.ft. 0.0625 spf
psi 27.762 in. water
To Convert Multiply by To Obtain
psi 2.314 ft. water
psi 2.314/sp gr ft. (any liquid)
psi 2.043 in. mercury
psi 230.4 oz/sq.ft.
psi 144 psf
psi 0.06802 atm
psf 0.1928 in. water
psf 0.01607 ft. water
psf 0.01419 in. mercury
psf 16 oz/sq.ft.
spf 0.00694 psi
atm 14.7 psi
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Volume - Flow Rates
To Convert Multiply by To Obtain
cfs 60 cfm
cfs 3,600 cu ft/hr
cfs 7.48 gps
cfs 448.8 gpm
cfs 26,930 gal/hr
cfs 646,317 gal/day
cfs 1.983 acre-ft/day
cfm 0.01667 cfs
cfm 60 cu ft/hr
cfm 0.1247 gps
cfm 7.48 gpm
cfm 448.8 gal/hr
To Convert Multiply by To Obtain
cu ft/hr 0.0002778 cfs
cu ft/hr 0.01667 cfm
cu ft/hr 0.002078 gps
cu ft/hr 0.1247 gpm
cu ft/hr 7.48 gal/hr
gps 0.1337 cfs
gps 8.022 cfm
gps 481.3 cu ft/hr
gps 60 gpm
gps 3,600 gal/hr
gpm 0.00223 cfs
gpm 0.1337 cfm
To Convert Multiply by To Obtain
gpm 8.022 cu ft/hr
gpm 0.01667 gps
gpm 60 gal/hr
gpm 499.925 lb/hr
gal/hr 0.0000371 cfs
gal/hr 0.00223 cfm
gal/hr 0.1337 cu ft/hr
gal/hr 0.0002778 gps
gal/hr 0.01667 gpm
bbl/min (oil) 42 gpm
bbl/day (oil) 0.0292 gpm
acre-ft/day 0.5042 cfs
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Weight - Time Rates
To Convert Multiply by To Obtain
lb/sec 60 lb/min
lb/sec 3,600 lb/hr
lb/sec 86,400 lb/day
lb/min 0.01667 lb/sec
To Convert Multiply by To Obtain
lb/min 60 lb/hr
lb/min 1,440 lb/day
lb/hr 0.0020003 gpm
lb/hr 0.0002778 lb/sec
To Convert Multiply by To Obtain
lb/hr 0.01667 lb/min
lb/hr 24 lb/day
lb/day 0.00001157 lb/sec
lb/day 0.000694 lb/min
lb/day 0.0417 lb/hr
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